Sunday, March 2, 2008

Honda Odyssey

First: Love Heart's "Barracuda".
Second: Love the artwork. Gorgeous animation. Reminds me of my childhood (I grew up in the 70's and early 80's... custom conversion vans were the epitome of cool)

Finally: What the Hell does any of that have to do with a minivan. You would have trouble putting a large custom graphic on that thing. Never mind that there has never been a sexy minivan. It's kind of counter the whole idea of a minivan (family vehicle). For those who don't recall the 70's, the conversion van with the massive air brush graphic was about a rolling bachelor pad. You got into the situation where you'd need a minivan in the back of your conversion van (which probably had a waterbed and shag carpet, maybe even a disco ball). I know it's hard for folks to recall this stuff, but vans were actually cool and not for soccer moms once upon a time.

Honda would like you to believe that minivans can be cool. They are lying through their teeth. You and I both know why. But you can rest assured, they are lying through their teeth.

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